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Fifth plenary meeting in Aachen

The fifth plenary meeting took place at the E.ON Energy Research Center in Aachen, Germany. The duration of the meeting was two days, from the 26th to the 27th of February 2019. The first day of the meeting the discussions made were about the addition of a new organisation partner to the project, who will be responsible for managing the construction procedures on the Pilot sites. The second day left was dedicated to the progress made so far on requirements analysis, the PLUG-N-HARVEST ADBE System, the Control and Management at Building and District Level, the Circular Economy Business Model, as well as the overall progress of the meeting. Finally, dedicated efforts were made to prepare the consortium for the 1st review meeting of Plug-n-Harvest project next month.

See the plenary meeting presentations and agenda here

adminFifth plenary meeting in Aachen