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Collaboration with RenoZEB project

RenoZEB is a sister project aims to unlock the nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) renovation market by increasing property value through a new systemic approach to retrofitting, by Accelerating nearly zero energy renovation for buildings and neighbourhoods.

A clustering telco was held with RenoZEB coordinator in the midle of July. The concept of RenoZEB is quite similar to ours, so we agreed to exchange ideas and collaborate within the next months under bilateral workshops. The main idea is to study in more detail each others concepts/framework and indicate the topics we could collaborate and exchange ideas.

The close collaboration with RenoZEB project has strengthened further today, through a detailed technical meeting with the project coordinator (Solintel). As both projects gradually progress the pilot implementation activities; it was a good chance to exchange technical ideas from practical experience. Among others, today’s meeting referred to façade replicability, certification and actual costs.

Eventually the idea is to join forces in 2021, when we will be also ready with our pilots and cohost a public workshop in the frame of a conference or even in a separate isolated event e.g. in Brussels. as well as cohost (with other sister projects also) public events after the Easter 2021 (where pilot installations will be finished).

adminCollaboration with RenoZEB project