Relative Initiatives

Plug-n-Harvest aims join its forces with other related entities in order to foster the exchange of information, experience, knowledge and best practices.

Here’s who’s helping Plug-n-Harvest to make things happen. Join us too!


RenoZEB aims to unlock the nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) renovation market by increasing property value through a new systemic approach to retrofitting. This will include innovative components, and processes and decision making methodologies to guide all value-chain actors in the nZEB building renovation action. RenoZEB will provide cost-effective ‘plug and play’ solutions for a large-scale deep nZEB rehabilitation schemes, ensuring the integrate-ability of all its components, methodologies, training, guidelines, and demonstration cases.


The REZBUILD project is mainly aimed at creating a collaborative refurbishment ecosystem focused on the existing residential building stock. Nowadays, the Near Zero Energy Building (NZEB) renovation methodologies are required as one of the key enablers supported by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme in order to promote business research and innovation through energy-efficient buildings.REZBUILD will address these challenges by opening the construction sector with the integration of innovation technologies in order to pave the way towards an annual renovation rate of 2,5% instead of current rates lower than 1%.


The HEART project is aimed
at making existing buildings “smarter”, through the application of an innovative toolkit. Such a toolkit is able to reduce energy consumption, with overall savings on heating, summer air conditioning and domestic hot water production variable between 60% and 90%, and to significantly improve comfort for the inhabitants who will be able to manage their consumption directly. The HEART project is developing and testing several components that promise to facilitate renovation.


ReCO2ST aims to create a residential retrofit assessment platform and demonstrations for near zero energy and CO2 emissions with optimum cost, health, comfort and environmental quality. ReCO2ST applies an easy 3-step approach to building renovations, resulting in major savings and heightened standards of living, at a near-zero energy coefficient.


HOUSEFUL main goal is to develop and demonstrate an integrated systemic service (HOUSEFUL Service) composed of 11 circular solutions co-created by stakeholders in current housing value chain. The HOUSEFUL Service will aim at the circular management and efficient use of water, waste, energy and material resources for all stages of European building’s life-cycle.
